ComplyRadar goAML Schema XML Converter

ComplyRadar goAML Schema XML Converter

We are all aware just how the world has changed in recent times, becoming even more uncertain with companies struggling to streamline their operations to meet the “new normal”.  When it comes to money laundering and terrorist financing, there has never been a bigger push to find solutions to assist companies to detect suspicious behaviour […]

5 Steps to Strengthen AML Compliance

5 Steps to Strengthen AML Compliance

Organisations all over the world are constantly striving to protect their business against financial crimes. In this journey, they are aided by regulators through the recommendations and regulations that help in the process. Regulators also enable them to detect the financial crimes beforehand so as to prevent them from taking place by employing the new […]

Improving AML processes using Artificial Intelligence – the challenge of false positives

Improving AML processes using Artificial Intelligence – the challenge of false positives

Over the past couple years we have been successfully implementing AML solutions for financial, gaming and payment service organizations. Our flagship product, ComplyRadar, is one of the leading products in this area, specifically focusing on ongoing transaction monitoring. In this blog we will focus on a problem which from our experience is a primary problem […]

ComplyRadar Testimonial – European Merchant Bank


Currently, the European Merchant Bank has 38 employees, with 4 dedicated to compliance. The European Merchant Bank is a banking institution registered in Lithuania, serving SME’s and Fintech companies among others.  We caught up with Franco Celis to find out how our ComplyRadar software improved their operation. How did you find out about ComplyRadar? The […]

The Rise of goAML Reporting and the Impact of Data Quality


The goAML portal came into being in June 2017 when the Irish reporting entities were required to hand in their regulatory reports to the Irish Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) using this portal. This was a part of a bigger global trend where regulators were attempting to standardize the reporting platforms, thereby providing proof of the […]

Case Management: The Fraud and Money Laundering Connection

ComplyRadar Case Management: The Fraud and Money Laundering Connection

When it comes to fighting fraud and money laundering, the connection between the two is critical as fraudsters work to find a way to legitimize their illicit funds. Proceeds from criminal activity related to fraud need to be laundered, so money laundering often follows soon after fraud occurs. Typically, following a successful money laundering activity, […]

3 ways AI can take on money launderers more effectively


It is estimated that around 2 to 5 percent of global GDP, or $800 billion to $2 trillion a year fall victim to money laundering. In the UK, money laundering is out of control with an estimated £100 billion flowing through the country each year. Yet recent reports show there has not been a single […]

Covid-19 and AML: The Impact, Challenges, and Future


The effects of Covid-19 have been felt in every industry, in every country. As the world continues the fight to quell the virus, everything about the way we live and work has changed. However, among all the chaos, heartache and fear, there are people who see the opportunities that Covid-19 has brought. Namely money launderers, […]

Harnessing analytics in the fight against fraud and money laundering


The fight against fraud and money laundering no longer sees businesses and compliance personnel going up against easily identifiable, shady criminals. Auditors can no longer identify patterns of suspicious behaviour months after the transaction was completed. It is no longer feasible to work in a reactive way.  Transactions are done so fast nowadays that a […]

COVID-19 and Transaction Monitoring: Managing AML Compliance


As a result of the ongoing global struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic, financial institutions are experiencing novel compliance challenges linked to this outbreak. The new strain of coronavirus has sent global financial markets into widespread turmoil and this unfortunately presents criminals with new opportunities to generate and launder funds gained from illicit activities. As a […]