Enhancing Financial Integrity: The Significance of a Risk-Based Approach to Transaction Monitoring

In today’s convoluted financial landscape, ensuring compliance with regulations and identifying illicit activities like money laundering and fraud proactively has become a top priority for organisations worldwide. A risk-based approach to transaction monitoring emerges as a powerful solution, strategically addressing the evolving challenges that financial entities face. The False Positive Overwhelm Imagine a bank struggling […]

Tackling Trade-Based Money Laundering (TBML)

Trade-Based Money Laundering (TBML) is a sophisticated method used by criminals to complicate and disguise the origins of illicit funds through global trade transactions. Unlike traditional money laundering through financial institutions, TBML exploits the complexities of international trade. TBML is similar to a tricky dance where criminals manipulate invoices, transactions, and paperwork, creating a confusing […]